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Artist Statement

The main media of my work is oil painting. My work explores the people ‘s destruction of nature and living situations, and how these issues impact people’s psychology and emotions. I also consider how modern technology damages both humanity and the environment as a consequence of post-civilization. In my painting, I express the post-civilization scene as a dystopia. I hope to convey an uncanny feeling of the dystopia to remind people of the environmental situation.


I adopt the contrastive visual language, painted collage, exaggerative colour and figurature to depict the sense of uncanny. My painting theme refers to the landscape, cityscape, geometrical shape and ambiguous figures. I mix and combine different elements and fragments to make complicated composition, I also adopt the abstract imagery juxtaposition with realistic detail, and prefer the audience to experience rather than to interpret. My material resources include photography, documentary, literature, imagination and memory.

The main influence are Dexter Dalwood, Peter Doig, Sigmund Freud.

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